hi, i'm trey!

I am an electrical/computer engineer pondering and traversing through the art of electricity. :^)


Projects & Research

Personal Mobile Robot

This is an active project. Stayed tuned for progress :-)

Analog Synthesizer

This is an active project. Stayed tuned for progress :-)

Congenital Disorder Identifier Camera

MISO Converter

Publication pending.

Energy-Harvesting Prosthetic

This is active research.

Energy-Harvesting, Environmental Tracker

Electric-Electric Guitar

Smart Security System


The system design for SmartAbode is the essence of embedded system design, where the structure flows not only as an input, processing, to output functionality but also as a 3-layer IoT architecture. Such an architecture consists of the embedded device which is connected to a gateway device that sends information to the cloud. The general design of SmartAbode has sensors for its inputs for processing and understanding the physical environment, an ESP8266 for handling computations and distribution of the data as well as providing autonomous control, and a cloud interface for the storage and interaction with the data. It is our understanding that the SmartAbode IoT system is effectively a “Smart Home,” which is made up of separate subsystems, therefore, we have selected a couple of subsystems to showcase a part of the proposed system’s characteristics. In the proof of concept of the system, the security system was the only one implemented. The systems selected are as follows: Security, (Future Work) Smart Lighting and Temperature/Air Quality Control.

Future Work

Wireless Transmission of Power Between Electronic Devices

Startup Company

Quantum Computing


MRI Image Motion-Blur Correction

I cannot divulge the specifics of this project.

32-bit Pipelined CPU Design with New ALU Architecture

Secure Delivery Package

Microgrid Software Application


Microgrids are the key in achieving a fully sustainable future for power generations and management. Moving to microgrids will allow for a reduction in large scale outages as well as the option for maintaining a sustainable image. Flexibility of grid infrastructure allows for the freedom to model a system for many geographically and economically diverse situations. This project is a software application, medGRID, that advocates for the implementation of a microgrid power system in hospitals. medGRID is a user-friendly application that allows hospital administration to input their geographical, property area, and power demand data to provide an output of a predicted cost analysis for the installation of infrastructure, a general microgrid model fit for the hospital, the infrastructure and sustainable power generation required, as well as the environmental impact from implementing a microgrid.




VEX Robot

Mechatronic design for competitive application in VEX robotics tournaments. (2019)


Currently, I am an ECE graduate researcher at Northwestern University. I have explored the realms of Quantum Computing, IoT/CPS/Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Mechatronics/Robotics, AI/ML, and VLSI Design.

Innately, my passions expand beyond the domain of electricity, from philosophy and botany to art and music, and more.


In this existence, is an invitation to explore, to marvel at the wonders that surround, and to embrace the unknown. To be a lifelong learner, opening the mind to the melodies of new knowledge, adding hues to the ever-expanding palette of life.

