this is Quantum Computing.

Materials | Hardware | Algorithms

my immersion within the realm of Quantum Computing, from superconducting materials to sensitive processing circuits, and quantum-mechanical hardware to quantum algorithms.


My journey in Quantum Computing came early on within college, however the passion began in high school, where I would ocassionally learn about Quantum Mechanics in my free time, simply because it gave a vastly different perspective of the universe than what can be described classically. The excitement for what Quantum Computing's transformative potential assumes was enough for me to seek out opportunities to learn more about this curious phenomena. Determined, I immersed myself in exploring the multifaceted aspects of this field—making contributions to hardware and materials research and independently working on algorithms.



    From the early stages of my academic journey, and even preceding it, I harbored a profound interest in Quantum Computing, recognizing its transformative potential in the future of computation and simply because it seemed super cool to learn. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, I committed myself to immerse in the multifaceted realms of this revolutionary field, and thus, I set about the pursuit to explore the diverse facets encompassed within Quantum Computing - from hardware and materials and to algorithms.
  1. Why Quantum Hardware?

    • Qubits for Computation.
      The fundamental units of quantum information processing, representing the quantum states.
    • Quantum Logic Circuits.
      The quantum analogs of classical logic circuits, utilizing quantum gates to perform computations on qubits.
    • Measurement Circuits.
      Enable the extraction of information from qubits, converting quantum states into classical information for analysis.
    • Error Mitigation.
      Techniques to identify, correct, or minimize errors that may arise during quantum computations due to various environmental and physical factors.


    • My experience includes working on the design of sensitive measurement electronic circuitry to interface quantum hardware with classical counterparts. This involves not only creating data acquisition systems for the readout signals from quantum hardware but also implementing techniques to mitigate noise, amplify signals, and appropriately distribute the signal for further processing.
    Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS), Fermi National Laboratory
  2. Why Quantum Materials?

  3. University of Chicago, Microspocy and Spectroscopy Transient Electronic-matter Research (MASTER) program at Argonne National Laboratory
    • Superconductivity.
      The property of zero electrical resistance, enabling the efficient flow of quantum information without energy dissipation.
    • Loss Mitigation.
      The minimization of various types of losses, including decoherence, energy dissipation, phonon-induced losses, radiation losses, impurity-related noise, and crosstalk, to enhance the stability, coherence, and efficiency of quantum information processing.
    • Qubit Types and Structures.
      The unique physical implementation of a qubit is dictated by its type, influencing the topology and materials selected to construct it, each tailored to meet the specified properties required for its operation.


    • The endeavors in Quantum Materials focus specifically on optimizing the chemical composition of hardware to yield a qubit at superconducting temperatures, with a primary emphasis on extending the coherence time of the qubit and reduce losses. This involves the processes of fabricating, experimenting, and analyzing the superconducting qubit, notably the Josephson Junction.
  4. Why Quantum Algorithms?

    • Optimization.
      The property of zero electrical resistance, enabling the efficient flow of quantum information without energy dissipation.
    • Simulations.
      Simulating complex physical systems with excellent accuracy and efficiency, providing computational power that enables handling more realistic simulations.
    • Machine Learning.
      Harnessing parallelism and interference to enhance data processing, enabling more efficient solutions for certain machine learning tasks,
    • Cryptography and Security.
      The quantum-resistant cryptographic techniques to ensure secure communication in a post-quantum era.


    • For Quantum Algorithms, my experience has been entirely self-driven, motivated by both educational and experimental purposes. Leveraging the Qiskit programming tool, I've designed and implemented various Quantum Algorithms, simulating their outcomes. This has proven invaluable for creating and analyzing quantum circuits, particularly when simulating diverse gate configurations, measurements, and scaling the system for multiple qubits.
    Quantum Teleportation Algorithm, IBM Qiskit, Juypter Notebook