this is WTP.

Electromagnetism | Power Electronics

This project explores the concept of wireless transmission of power (WTP), aiming to eliminate the need for physical connections between electronic devices by utilizing time-varying electromagnetic fields, and focuses on developing a power electronics PCB module for integration into personal electronic devices while experimenting with the range and efficiency of wireless power transfer.


Wireless Transmission of Power (WTP) is a sophisticated, marvelous attribute of nature in electrodynamics. It involves transmitting electrical power without a physical link and, in near-field applications, utilizing time-varying electromagnetic (EM) fields to transfer power wirelessly. The purpose of the project for wireless transmission of power between electronic devices is to mitigate the need for a physical link between a source and a load for mobile devices, which effectively decreases the requirement for additional infrastructure within the power system and the increase of range for an electronic device to receive power liberally. Additionally, experimentation allowed for the exploration of defining how the parameters of a wireless power electronics system dictated the efficiency of the power transfer, aiming to achieve the ideal combination of parameter conditions for an optimal efficiency. This project focused on developing a power electronics PCB module that ought to be implemented within personal electronic devices, such as a smart phone or a laptop computer, as well as experimenting with the extents of the transmission of wireless power.
